- Bamboo World by Victor Cusack
- Bamboo on the Farm by D. Lewis
- Building with Bamboo by Jules A. Janssen
- Alternative Construction by Lynne Elizabeth
- How to build with Bamboo by Jo Scheer
- Fundamentals of the Design of Bamboo
Structures by Arce-Villalobus
- Plant Resources of Southeast Asia, Vol. 7 by
Widjaja, Dransfield
- The Book of Bamboo by David Farrelly
- Grow your own house by Simon Velez
- Bamboo Construction Manual by O.H. Lopez
- La Guadua, un material versatil by Dicken
- The Bamboo Handbook by Durnford L. Dart
- Bamboo – The Gift of the Gods by Oscar
- Manual de Construction con Bamboo by Hidalgo,
- Bamboo for Gardens by Ted Jordan Meredith
- The Bamboos by F. A. McClure
- Building Bamboo Fences by Isao Yoshikawa
- Bamboo for Sustainable Development by Arun
Kumar et al
- Tropical Bamboo by Marcelo Villegas
- New Bamboo: Architecture and Design by
Marcelo Villages

I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to everyone
who has helped out this project over the years. Even if I can't
acknowledge all of you individually since so many people have
supported Govardhan Gardens in so many ways, I certainly remember
every one of you.
If you would like to find out more about the tree sponsoring
program and other opportunities to help the project, click here
view sponsors and friends

This list will
grow over time as a natural/simple living resource. I only include
companies and sites here that are in line with Govardhan Gardens'
Please let me know if you know of any additional good resources,
would like to trade links with us, or if any of these links are
broken. Thanks.
View the resources  |

Tropical Fruits Nursery Photos
Sadhu Govardhan
is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No
Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Permissions beyond the
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