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Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Abiu
Botanical Name: Pouteria caimito
Max Size: 30 FT
Time To Fruit: 3-4 years
Availability: Limited Stock
Price - small size : $15.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
A bright yellow fruit with flesh that is whitish, translucent, sweet, and of jelly-like consistency. When fully ripe, it is eaten out of hand or used in sherbets and ice cream.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Acerola
Botanical Name: Malpighia punicifolia
Max Size: 18 FT
Time To Fruit: 2-3 Years
Availability: All Year
Price - small size : $15.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
Fruit has very high vitamin C content and the flavor is very appealing. Eaten fresh or processed into vitamin C products.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Achachairu
Botanical Name: Garcinia laterifolia
Max Size: 18 FT
Time To Fruit: 6-9 Years
Availability: Limited Stock
Price - small size : $20.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
The translucent subacid white pulp has an excellent flavor; one of the best fruits of its genus. Currently, I am propagating four different types with different fruit quality, including a new, fantastic Bolivian variety, introduced to Puerto Rico in 2005.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: African Apricot
Botanical Name: Gambeya lacourtiana
Max Size: 40-75 FT
Time To Fruit: 7-10 Years
Availability: Limited Stock
Price - small size : $32.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
Medium-sized African fruit with apricot flavor. The structure of the tree is very attractive and the tree is easy to grow once the roots are established.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: African Breadfruit
Botanical Name: Treculia africana
Max Size: 35-50 FT
Time To Fruit: 4-5 Years
Availability: Limited Stock
Price - small size : $20.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
The seeds are extracted after macerating the fruit in water and then ground to a meal, known as breadfruit flour. A non-alcoholic beverage, almond milk, can be prepared from powdered seeds. Seeds can be dried, fried or roasted and eaten, and an edible oil can be extracted from them. The grains are even higher in proteins than soybeans.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Akee
Botanical Name: Blighia sapida
Max Size: 25 FT
Time To Fruit: 4-6 Years
Availability: Limited Stock
Price - small size : $15.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
West African fruit that became the national fruit of Jamaica. The white yellow, fleshy arils are cooked and then sautéed. Unripe and inedible parts of the fruit contain toxic alkaloids.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Tropical Almond, Almendra
Botanical Name: Terminalia catappa
Max Size: 25 FT
Time To Fruit: 4-6 Years
Availability: Limited Stock
Price - small size : $15.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
A Malaysian nut tree with tasty edible seeds; planted widely in the tropics as a street tree or along beaches.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Alupag
Botanical Name: Euphoria didyma
Max Size: 30 FT
Time To Fruit: 4-6 Years
Availability: Limited Stock
Price - small size : $25.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
Small, longan-like and very sweet fruits that grow in clusters. Since most longans are subtropical, this tropical species is a good alternative to regular longan in the Tropics. Dioecious.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Amazon Tree Grape, Uvilla
Botanical Name: Pourouma cecropiaefolia
Max Size: 35 FT
Time To Fruit: 3-4 Years
Availability: Limited Stock
Price - small size : $20.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
Fruits are purple, grape-like with juicy, white pulp - a pleasant treat. Dioecious.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Ambarella Dwarf, Jobo Enano
Botanical Name: Spondias cytherea
Max Size: 7 FT
Time To Fruit: 2-3 Years
Availability: All Year
Price - small size : $15.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
A small-growing ambarella; well-liked tropical fruit; ideal for limited space/containers.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Green Anon, Anon, Sweetsop, Sugar Apple
Botanical Name: Annona squamosa
Max Size: 25 FT
Time To Fruit: 3-4 Years
Availability: All Year
Price - small size : $15.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
Also known as sugar apple; best eaten cold, very pleasant flavor.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Purple Anon, Red Anon, Sugar Apple
Botanical Name: Annona squamosa
Max Size: 25 FT
Time To Fruit: 3-4 Years
Availability: Limited Stock
Price - small size : $15.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
Less common purple variety of anon. Also known as sugar apple; best eaten cold, very pleasant flavor.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Araça-boi
Botanical Name: Eugenia stipitata
Max Size: 10-15 FT
Time To Fruit: 2-3 Years
Availability: All Year
Price - small size : $15.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
Very aromatic fruit; sweetened juice is excellent and popular in parts of South and Central America.
ASSAI (Açai)
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Assai (Açai)
Botanical Name: Euterpe oleraceae
Max Size: 30 FT
Time To Fruit: 5-8 Years
Availability: Most of the time
Price - small size : $20.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
Clustering palm with bunches of purplish, highly nutritious fruits with high antioxidant content. One of the most popular fruits in the Amazon reaches of Brazil. Currently, both the regular and dwarf variety of this species are available. The dwarf type fruits within three to four years at a much lower height and the fruit is slightly larger than the regular type.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Avocado
Botanical Name: Persea americana
Max Size: 40 FT
Time To Fruit: 3-5 Years
Availability: All Year
Price - small size : Inquire
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
Various selected cultivars; inquire about price and availability.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Bacuri cascudo, Brazilian madroño
Botanical Name: Rheedia acuminata
Max Size: 20 FT
Time To Fruit: 5-7 Years
Availability: Limited Stock
Price - small size : $32.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
This Brazilian Rheedia species is very similar to R. madruno; the fruits are slightly smaller and the flavor is excellent. Easy to grow, even in heavy clay soils or poor quality.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Bakuripari-mirim
Botanical Name: Rheedia gardneriana
Max Size: 25 FT
Time To Fruit: 5-8 Years
Availability: Limited Stock
Price - small size : $35.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
High quality and very rare tropical fruit that was found in Mexico. It is said to be one of the best species in the Rheedia/Garcinia genus. Sub-acid, pleasant flavor.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Bignay, Currant Tree
Botanical Name: Antidesma bunius
Max Size: 30 FT
Time To Fruit: 4-5 Years
Availability: Limited Stock
Price - small size : $20.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
The fruits of this highly ornamental Asian tree are eaten fresh, or used to make jams, jellies, syrup or wine. Dioecious.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Bilimbi
Botanical Name: Averrhoa bilimbi
Max Size: 30 FT
Time To Fruit: 2-4 Years
Availability: Limited Stock
Price - small size : $15.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
Popular Asian fruit; acidic; used for refreshing drinks, stir fries, or eaten raw, dipped in rock salt.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Biriba
Botanical Name: Rollinia deliciosa
Max Size: 25 FT
Time To Fruit: 3-4 Years
Availability: All Year
Price - small size : $18.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
Select variety which is very sweet, with a custard-like consistency and flavor. Fast grower and very prolific producer. In average, this species is by far superior to the more common R. mucosa.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Blue Grape
Botanical Name: Myrciaria vexator
Max Size: 15 FT
Time To Fruit: 3-4 Years
Availability: Limited Stock
Price - small size : $25.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
This jaboticaba relative has grape-like purple excellent fruits that taste somewhat like sweet grapes. The nursery specimen are from a high quality cultivar grown at Govardhan Gardens. Of all the Myrciarias, it is one of the fastest spreading new fruits in Puerto Rico.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Black Pepper
Botanical Name: Piper nigrum
Max Size: 10 FT
Time To Fruit: 3-4 Years
Availability: All Year
Price - small size : $20.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
Common spice; fresh, organic pepper is easy to grow and by far superior to the regular, commercially available spice. The nursery variety offered is a good Thai cultivar.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Borojo
Botanical Name: Borojoa patinoi
Max Size: 12 FT
Time To Fruit: 2-4 Years
Availability: Limited Stock
Price - small size : $18.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
Legendary South American fruit; appealing flavor, prized for its energizing / aphrodisiac and medicinal qualities; dioecious.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Breadfruit
Botanical Name: Artocarpus altilis
Max Size: 70 FT
Time To Fruit: 4-5 Years
Availability: Limited Stock
Price - small size : $18.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
Important tropical staple fruit which originated in Polynesia; used cooked in many tropical dishes; potato-like flavor; plants are grafted.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Breadnut
Botanical Name: Artocarpus altilis
Max Size: 70 FT
Time To Fruit: 4-7 Years
Availability: All Year
Price - small size : $10.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
Seeded form of breadfruit; mostly used for it's nutritious seeds.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Burahol, Kepel
Botanical Name: Stelechocarpus burahol
Max Size: 30 FT
Time To Fruit: 6-10 Years
Availability: Limited
Price - small size : Inquire
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
Rare, Asian species; fascinating fruit that acts as an internal deodorant and causes bodily secretions to take on a perfume scent, especially for people who don't eat toxic food like meat.
Fruit Fact Sheet

Common Name: Burmese Grape
Botanical Name: Baccaurea ramiflora
Max Size: 30 FT
Time To Fruit: 3-5 Years
Availability: All Year
Price - small size : $28.00
Ordering Information
Fruit Description
Small to medium-sized, refreshing and juicy rare Asian fruit with good flavor. Very prolific producer. Dioecious.
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