Goat Protection

(Fundación Oro Verde Inc. / FOVI)

The “Oro Verde Foundation” is a private non-profit organization, solely supported by idealistic individuals. Our main focus is to research and implement sustainable solutions for all aspects of tropical agriculture, and to promote a conscious, natural lifestyle in general.

Besides establishing role model projects, we hope to eventually turn “Oro Verde” into a movement of conscious, educated, free-thinking agricultural revolutionaries. Although the process to cross over to a fully sustainable and self-sufficient life is a difficult one that may require temporary compromises, the essence of our eco-agricultural mission is pure and will not be compromised.


The mission of the Oro Verde Foundation is based on Sadhu Govardhan’s book, “Oro Verde – Securing the Future of our Food”.

Its primary concerns and goals are:

1)  To practice and spread the concept of holistic, eco-organic farming.
2)  To establish organic seed banks for tropical vegetables, herbs, fruits and bamboo.
3) To maintain an educational, bi-lingual web site about sustainable, holistic farming.
4) To co-operate with and support alternative farmers in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.
5) To support the unification process of alternative, eco-organic farmers in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean
6) To connect with and help conventional farmers to switch to organic practices and new tropical crops.
7)  To promote and educate about sustainable practices of growing food and medicine and construction material.
8)  To support NGO’s dedicated to sustainability and sustainable agrarian lifestyles.
9)  To help improve the current status of farmers in the Caribbean.
10) To help cause a change in the food industry – from the currently dangerous centralization to an autonomous decentralization.


Even the smallest support means a lot to us. There has never been a time as important as now to get involved in sustainable agricultural projects; they are life-saving and urgently needed. Be part of making history!

You can get involved on various levels:

1) Help spread the message of “Oro Verde – Securing the Future of our Food”
2) Help as a volunteer (web site work, tropical farming, fund raising)
3) Donate resources (land, seeds, literature, funds, etc.) to the OVF and become an honored supporter of OVF
4) Become an active OVF supporter ($100 per year) and receive a 15% discount on all your Govardhan Gardens orders.


Sustainable Agriculture Workshops
We will hold regular workshops about topics ranging from working with bamboo, to growing medicinal plants, setting up sustainable home gardens or exploring new tropical food crops with high appeal.

If you would like to participate as a student or speaker, please contact me (Sadhu@coqui.net). To stay updated, please check the “Oro Verde Workshops/Seminars” page regularly.

Tropical Heirloom Seed Bank
We do have ideal contacts to establish the first major tropical heirloom seed bank in the Caribbean. Now we are looking for land, infrastructure, manpower and financial support to set this seed bank up. Any location in the Caribbean is suitable for us. Let us know if you are interested in support or collaboration.

Pachamama Garden
This project was started by Magha Garcia at the Art Gallery in Rincon in the beginning of 2009 and completed in May 2009. With the help of some dedicated volunteers, Magha transformed a previously neglected and overgrown backyard into a diversified, vibrant eco-garden. If you want to contact Magha, write to oroverdepr@gmail.com

For Spanish readers: http://oroverdepr.blogspot.com

June-August 2009: Berenice Bois, a student of ENITAB (Nationale d’Ingénieur des Travaux Agricoles de Bordeaux) conducted a study in collaboration with the Oro Verde Foundation. Her goal was to identify the required local initiatives to strengthen the emergent community of small scale eco farmers in Puerto Rico. Her research results will be posted here shortly. We thank her for her important work of contributing to Puerto Rico’s agriculture.



My New Book: Oro Verde - Securing the Furture of Our Food

Gold or money has become the standard benchmark of success in our society. Ironically, the pursuit of this type of temporary wealth has primarily led to the exploitation of humans, animals, plants and natural resources in general.

view ordering info 

Sadhu Govardhan is an independent thinker, eco-organic farmer, tropical rare fruit connoisseur and researcher. Extensive journeys for over twenty years have allowed him to study indigenous cultures and different life styles throughout the world.

His first publications on philosophical and spiritual topics were published in Europe and translated into several languages. He now lives in Puerto Rico and has dedicated himself to researching and growing tropical food crops and promoting alternative farming methods. He is currently involved with consultant work and inspiring and developing educational organic role model projects in the Caribbean.

read about the project 

I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to everyone who has helped out this project over the years. Even if I can't acknowledge all of you individually since so many people have supported Govardhan Gardens in so many ways, I certainly remember every one of you.

If you would like to find out more about the tree sponsoring program and other opportunities to help the project, click here

view sponsors and friends 

This list will grow over time as a natural/simple living resource. I only include companies and sites here that are in line with Govardhan Gardens' vision.

Please let me know if you know of any additional good resources, would like to trade links with us, or if any of these links are broken. Thanks.

View the resources 

Creative Commons License

Tropical Fruits Nursery Photos by Sadhu Govardhan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://organicfarm.net/contact.htm.

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