Goat Protection




In order to inspire the readers of my web site and help them to quickly find important educational material about relevant environmental topics, I decided to set up this Eco Library.

If you want us to include any educational material to the topics listed below, please contact me (sadhu@coqui.net ).

If you are in Puerto Rico and you would like to know about our organic farmers and existing farmers markets, please look up the directory put together by the Oro Verde Foundation:



To be environmentally conscious means to care about every aspect of nature and to actively contribute to a better future.


  •  http://oilsandstruth.org
     This web site explains the Tar Sands project -  the currently largest and one   
     of the most destructive industrial projects on the planet.

  • http://www.ted.com/talks/garth_lenz_images_of_beauty_and_devastation.html
    This well researched, 17 minute documentary about Canada's Tar Sands by Garth Lenz shows that those who pull the strings behind our system have absolutely no concern for the planet as well as our present or future. There are various other documentaries on the same subject that are excellent and highly recommendable to watch.
  • http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/sacred-spirit-water/
    Sacred Spirit of Water


  • Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
  • Moral Ground by Kathleen Dean Moore & Michael P. Nelson
  • A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold
  • Animal Factory by David Kirby
  • Breakfast of Diversity: The Truth about Rainforest Destruction by John Vandermeer

The only environmentally safe agriculture is a fully decentralized, highly diversified and sustainable agriculture.




  • Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of Genetically Engineered Foods You'r Eating. By Jeffrey. M. Smith
  • Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods" by Jeffrey M. Smith
  • Earth by Derek Elsom
  • Topsoil and Civilization by Derek Elsom
  • Life in the Soil by Elaine Ingham
  • Oro Verde - Securing the Future of our Food by Sadhu Govardhan 


If you are concerned about your health and the environment, buy ecologically safe products and boycott toxic mainstream products. Don't buy what exploits or hurts others. 



  • Clean & Green by Annie Berthold-Bond
  • Pure Skin: Organic Beauty Basics by Barbara Close
  • Dying to Look Good by Dr. Christine Farlow
  • A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients by Ruth Winter
  • The Chemical Maze Shopping Companion by Bill Statham

No matter who you are or what your situation in life is, plant as much of your own food and medicine as you can. The food and medicine provided by the corporate food and pharmaceutical industries are toxic and harmful to the planet in its extraction, transportation, processing and consumption. The monopoly and centralization of the food and medical industries is turning humans into mindless junkies.


  • http://www.thefutureoffood.com/
    "The Future of Food" has become an instant classic from the moment it was released. This highly recommendable documentary distills the complex technology and consumer issues surrounding major changes in the food system today -- genetically engineered foods, patenting, and the corporatization of food -- into terms the average person can understand. It empowers consumers to realize the consequences of their food choices on our future.

  • http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/food-inc/
    Food, Inc. examines the costs of putting value and convenience over nutrition and environmental impact.


          This website highlights the dark side of Coca Cola.

  • http://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/processed_people/
    The statistics are terrifying. Two hundred million Americans are overweight and 100 million are obese. More than 75 million Americans have high blood pressure. 24 million people are diabetic. Heart disease remains the No. 1 cause of death for men and women, followed by stroke and obesity-related cancers. Obesity is about to overtake tobacco as the No. 1 cause of preventable deaths in the United States.

  • http://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/medicating_kids/
    In 'Medicating Kids,' FRONTLINE examines the dramatic increase in the prescription of behavior-modifying drugs for children. Are these medications really necessary--and safe--for young children, or merely a harried nation's quick fix for annoying, yet age-appropriate, behavior?

  • http://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/pink_ribbons_inc_2012/
    Breast cancer affects the lives of millions of Americans every day, and the disease has become a hot-button issue for corporations seeking to support a cause. But where does all of the money raised in the name of breast cancer actually go?

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDlH9sV0lHU
    This video provides the facts about psychotropic drugs and the huge profits they create for the pharmaceutical industry. These drugs are not safe and have not been on the market long enough to provide sufficient long term studies regarding their effects. 


  • The China Study by T. Colin Campbell
  • The Ayurveda Encyclopedia by Swami Sada Siva Tirtha
  • Poisons in your Food by Ruth Winter
  • Eat Here by Brian Halwell

To voluntarily abstain from eating meat, fish or egg means to respect life. Animals are defenseless and inoffensive and have as much right, or even more than humans, to live on this planet; after all, they don't torture and destroy the environment like humans do. Be ethical, don't be a mindless murderer who supports the corporate slaugtherhouse nightmare.


  • www.peta.org
    Info about the meat industry, humane treatment of animals, which companies still test on animals, etc.



  • "Vegetarianism and the World Religions" by Steven Rosen  
  • "The Food Revolution" by John Robbins
  • "The Art of Indian Vegetarian Cooking" by Yamuna Devi
  • "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Safran Foer

To recycle means to make the best out of the already destructive and toxic cycle of extraction, transporation, processing, consumption and disposal. Better than recycling is to stop being a mindless consumer, and to live as sustainably as possible.   



·         Rubbish! The Archaeology of Garbage by William Rathje and Cullen Murphy

·         Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of Trash by  Elizabeth Royte

·         Too Hot to Touch by William Alley and Rosemarie Alley

To oppose an exploitative and highly materialistic system is the duty of every conscious person who still has a conscience left.


  • http://youtu.be/CqksD0LlwHY
    The full version of the documentary was shown on Showtime. In summary, it explains how and why Pat Tillman, a popular U.S. football player, who enlisted in the U.S. army was used for propaganda purpose by the army and eventually assassinated by them. The main reason for the assassination - according to his parents who did painstaking research into his death -was the threat he posed to expose the lie about "the war on terror".

  • http://www.thepetitionsite.com/
    This commendable site is starting petitions to protect nature, animals, human rights. Please support the site by signing their petitions - it takes only seconds to sign a petition and the result can make a difference.

  • http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=52b_1329796059
    Intelligent summary of the political farce everyone in the U.S. has to face.
  • http://youtu.be/TIFa_hKWL9I
    Iraq veterans publicly discard their war medals and explain why.

  • RT.com 
    An alternative news broadcasting channel on mainstream U.S. TV, with above mentioned web site. Frequent excellent analysis of the numerous atrocities committed by recent and current U.S. administrations. The fact that the channel is not yet shut down by the U.S. government for its truthful broadcasting is a surprise. Shows like 'Breaking the Set' are often very candid and shed light on important issues that are purposefully ignored and distorted by the corporate mainstream media. Since this show was cancelled, new shows have been added. Especially Lee Camp and Chris Hedges have excellent shows.

    I hope that they will maintain their straight talk about a system that is about to spiral out of control. The channel is sponsored by the Russian Gov't which is not ideal (unfortunately, no alternative channel would be financially viable without major financial support) but most of the overall message is incomparibly better than any mainstream corporate U.S. false and distracting propaganda channels like CNN or Fox.


          After Abby Martin left RT, she started this outstanding web site. It is without a doubt 
         one of the most comprehensive web sites exposing U.S. government atrocities. For anyone    
         interested in the realities of life, this is a must-see. 



·         On Western Terrorism: From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare by Noam Chomsky (with Andre Vltchek). In On Western Terrorism Noam Chomsky, world renowned dissident intellectual, discusses Western power and propaganda with filmmaker and investigative journalist Andre Vltchek. A masterpiece that is a must read for those who want to understand the historical truth about U.S. government atrocities.

·         "Green Is the New Red: An Insider's Account of a Social Movement Under Siege" by Will Potter

·         "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" by Paulo Freire

  • The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism by Naomi Klein
  • "War against all Puerto Ricans" by Nelson Denis: This is a must read book for anyone interested in the history of Puerto Rico after the U.S. take over 1898. the content is not for the faint-hearted and shows the tactics used by the U.S. to exploit, manipulate, torture and murder Puerto Ricans over the span of a century. Although they book was just published, it is already being compared to some of the greatest and most important freedom literatures of the Century.


Environmental resources and organizations

A phone company that donates 100% of its profits to environmental groups, plus you get free calls to all your government officials.

Environment Directory
Our Green Directory is Canada's showcase of eco friendly products and services.

Reusable Grocery Bags
Together we can help save this planet with every bag we reuse. Communities need to continue to strive towards a solution and be proactive about setting an example for others to help our planet and its' animals.

Greenhouse Buyers Guide: Instructions for determining what kind of greenhouse is best for you, and the basic considerations for setting  up your own greenhouse.  Plus a comprehensive list of different types of greenhouses with photographs.

Helping environmental causes for many years.


Herbs and alternative health resources and education

  • www.ecotourism.co.cr/newdawn
    Bilingual educational programs at a center in Costa Rica that teaches about tropical herbal medicine - very interesting site
  • Richters.com
    Dried medicinal and culinary herbs, organic seeds). Also, subscribe to or just check out Richter's HerbLetter, a good and professional newsletter about herbal health issues.
  • Healthwell
    Ezine about natural health; unique for its information on drug/herb interactions and for its personalized homeopathic remedy finder)

Alternative culture and anti-media


Check these sites out even if you're not a vegetarian, some have good recipes and health resources. Vegetarianism is great for the environment and your body - even a gradual transition away from a meat-centered diet can make a positive difference in many areas of life.

  • www.veganaction.org
    All you ever wanted to know about veganism, also information about growing your own produce, etc. Interesting young audience, protests, etc.
  • www.veggieheadonline.com
    Cool ezine about vegetarianism; 20-something audience.
  • www.vegan.com
    All kinds of useful information about a plant-based diet.
  • www.soystache.com
    Good info about soy.
  • www.vegsource.com
    Good vegetarian resource site on about.com. Many articles.
  • www.vegetariantimes.com
    Good basic vegetarian magazine with nice recipes. Caters to a wide audience and isn't alienating to meat-eaters.
  • netveggie.com
    Vegetarian Directory, Online resource and information.


My New


    Oro Verde - Securing the Furture of Our Food

Gold or money has become the standard benchmark of success in our society. Ironically, the pursuit of this type of temporary wealth has primarily led to the exploitation of humans, animals, plants and natural resources in general.

view ordering info 

Sadhu Govardhan is an independent thinker, eco-organic farmer, tropical rare fruit connoisseur and researcher. Extensive journeys for over twenty years have allowed him to study indigenous cultures and different life styles throughout the world.

His first publications on philosophical and spiritual topics were published in Europe and translated into several languages. He now lives in Puerto Rico and has dedicated himself to researching and growing tropical food crops and promoting alternative farming methods. He is currently involved with consultant work and inspiring and developing educational organic role model projects in the Caribbean.

read about the project 

I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to everyone who has helped out this project over the years. Even if I can't acknowledge all of you individually since so many people have supported Govardhan Gardens in so many ways, I certainly remember every one of you.

If you would like to find out more about the tree sponsoring program and other opportunities to help the project, click here

view sponsors and friends 

This list will grow over time as a natural/simple living resource. I only include companies and sites here that are in line with Govardhan Gardens' vision.

Please let me know if you know of any additional good resources, would like to trade links with us, or if any of these links are broken. Thanks.

View the resources 

Creative Commons License

Tropical Fruits Nursery Photos by Sadhu Govardhan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://organicfarm.net/contact.htm.

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