Goat Protection


There are several good sources for goat paraphernalia and my main source at this time is Hoegger Supply. Whenever they print a new catalog, I usually request some extra copies for free distribution. Just ask for a free copy whenever you visit.

Another company that carries livestock products including goat paraphernalia and has great service (friendly, prompt, good prices) is http://www.kanemfg.com/kaneMfg/products1.html


The following Goat Services are available at Govardhan Gardens:

Caprinasa - Eco-Organic
Goat Manure Compost

Goat Sales

Disbudding Goat Kids

Trimming Hooves

Goat Workshops

Free Catalogs
If you want me to help you find goats in general, let me know.  I am in touch with many goat farmers around the island.  If you would like to learn about goat raising, making goat cheese or kefir, etc. contact me.  I give very affordable ($25) basic training courses or workshops on a regular basis, for one person at a time or small groups.  Just one course alone saves you much time and money by avoiding common mistakes.  Online questions (write to sadhu@coqui.net) are answered for free.
Creative Commons License

Tropical Fruits Nursery Photos by Sadhu Govardhan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://organicfarm.net/contact.htm.

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